
┌┤           Load Balancer            ├┐
││┌─────┐┌────────┐││     ┌─────┐     ││
│││web 1││worker 1│││     │web 2│     ││
││└─────┘└────────┘││     └─────┘     ││
││      VM 1       ││      VM 2       ││
│              ┌────────┐              │
│              │Database│              │
│              └────────┘              │
│                 VPC                  │

A Key-Value (KV) service provides a way to save small amounts of structured data in a HA fashion while still being easy to query for reporting purposes.

We need a KV service to save and query metadata like a history of when builds were performed.

A KV service is a stand-alone service.