Release a Build

We can push a custom web server to a Registry, but we need a way to release the new change. For any serious application we will want to isolate the build step and record a build artifact. We also need a way to release or roll back to any build artifact with no downtime.

So we need Key-Value and Blob Service to account for our build metadata.

We also need a Build API to automate the build pipeline:

We need a Release API to:

┌┤       LB       ├─────────┐
│└────────────────┘         │
│┌───────┐┌───────┐         │
││┃web 1┃││┃web 2┃│┃ build ┃│
││ VM 1  ││ VM 2  │┃  API  ┃│
│            VPC            │

There is one final challenge: rolling out the new images with zero downtime. We need the Container and Load Balancer service to coordinate this:

One by one, the Container and Load Balancer orchestrate gracefully releasing our newly built images.